Tuesday 5 May 2009

Igor's car!

Igor showing off his Ukraynaya Mashina. Dyakooyu Igor.

1 comment:

Beeblebloke said...

Hi Sam
Great to see the progress you've made. You've covered more miles in a few week than I have in 4 years! I find the photos of the Russian countryside fascinating, their ordinariness and the huge open skies. Igor's car reminds me of the Hillman Imp I nearly once owned way back in the 60s. Luckily I didn't have the cash at the time and found out later that it was completely rusy underneath; British car-making at its best at the time. Incidentally, we've had our own quiet revolution here. The Speaker of the Commons has been forced to resign because of his handling of the MPs' expenses scandal (many of them on the take, or with 'snouts in the trough', according to the Sun). Life here in Praze goes quietly on, as usual - the pub's got no beer to speak of, but we do have a revived village shop which the Allen famiy are making a really good job of. Good luck to them, and of course to you as you continue your epic journey. Lisa and Rose send their best wishes.